Embracing Disruption as an opportunity for Animal Science
Joint AAAP & AAAS Animal Production Congress 2024
One page papers
Submissions are now closed for Embracing Disruption: as an opportunity for Animal Science Congress 2024
Thank you to everyone who submitted a paper. You can now find the program on the Program Page.
Guidelines for AAAP and AAAS One-page Paper Authors
One-page papers accepted for the 2024 Embracing disruption as an opportunity for animal science. A joint AAAP and AAAS congress will be published in the digital conference proceedings book.
Papers will undergo a peer review process and the Editor’s decision is final. Papers must not be previously published work. Authors must adhere to the strict style and formatting guidelines to ensure that their paper can be sent for peer review. Papers failing to meet these guidelines will be returned to the author.
All papers must be submitted online using the online portal.
Submissions close 11.59pm AEDST on Sunday 11th February 2024.
Submission Types
Papers can be submitted for one or all of the following submission types:
Oral (10-20 minute presentation)
Elevator Pitch and physical poster (3-5 minute presentation plus digital poster)
Physical Poster - A0 Portrait (1189 mm high x 841 mm wide)
Please note that only selecting an oral does not guarantee you an oral as unfortunately not everyone will be accepted for an oral. All elevator pitch presenters will also need to prepare a digital poster. Exact timings for each will be finalised with the release of the program.
In the submission process, you will be asked to select from topics or species, please note that sessions will be broken up into themes more than species. Topics of discussion will include animal genetics, breeding, nutrition, health, behaviour, and welfare. If your short paper applies to multiple species, please select other.
For a full list of proposed topics and species, please click here.
Papers must not exceed one A4 page. Authors can use the template provided on the website as a guide only. Papers are to be submitted using the prompts in the online portal. The template is a guide and for the purposes of your internal approvals and to make it quicker to submit the paper through the online portal.
Authors should then use the following word counts as a guide to ensure the page limit is achieved during final typesetting by the publisher:
1000 words with no tables or figures
900 words with one (average size) figure OR table
850 words with one (average size) figure and one (average size) table.
Papers are to include a full title, authors and affiliations, corresponding author, Introduction, Material and methods (including statistical analysis method), Results, Conclusion and implications, Acknowledgements (including financial support statement and ethics approval), and References.
If including figures and complex tables these must be submitted as images and uploaded through the portal.
Condition of Submissions and Acceptance
By submitting a paper you are acknowledging that the person nominated to be the presenting author will register and pay in full at the time of acceptance. There are no international travel allowances or registration assistance available from AAAP or AAAS.
Any questions please contact the Congress Event Mangers via email: animalscience2024@kamevents.com.au or
phone +61 7 5619 3851.
Expressions of Interest
Co-chairing a session
Thank you to everyone that expressed interest in co-chairing a session at the joint AAAP & AAAS Animal Production Congress 2024. The committee has been overwhelmed by the response and will be in contact shortly.
The expression of interest is now closed to everyone, and the organising committee especially encourage early career animal scientists to apply for this opportunity as there will be a dedicated early career co-chair for each session. Early career animal scientists are those who are:
Current animal science students
People who completed tertiary studies in the last 5 years and are working in animal science fields
What’s involved?
Every effort will be made to assign you to a session within your field of interest. As co-chair you will work with your session co-chair/s to:
Promote abstract submissions to your session
Review and/or arrange reviewers for abstracts submitted to your session
Arrange the final program for your session including assignment of orals and posters, in conjunction with scientific organising committee
Co-chair your session in-person at the Joint AAAP/AAAS Animal Production Congress in 2024
To facilitate a smooth experience co-chairs will be asked to attend an online information & training session.